Conditioning & Prep for the Death Ride®

Riding 103 miles and climbing 14,000+ feet all in one day is a daunting task! To make this event even more difficult, the course is located in the Sierra Nevada mountains at elevations between 5,500 feet and 8,732 feet.

We urge cyclists to visit Alpine County before the ride to get an idea of what it takes to complete the course. Sign up for the event(s) below to help you train. Ride dates and additional information will be posted as they become available.

Be Prepared for a LONG Ride:

• Include lots of climbing in your training
• Spend a minimum of 8 hours on your bike
• Stay hydrated before and during the ride; bring extra water
• Eat regularly before and during the ride, bring extra energy snacks of your own

Bike Gearing for Climbing:

We recommend a 39 on front and a 28 on back, a triple or a compact. Use your brakes sparingly and evenly on descents, rims can heat up from brake pad friction. Watch for overheating brakes.

Tune Up Your Bike:

Be sure you have good brakes and good tires. You must be able to control your bike and your speed on extremely steep downhills and very sharp corners with possible wet and/or rough pavement.


The Tour of the California Alps – Death Ride® route features over 135 feet of climbing per mile! To train properly, you need to practice your climbing! 

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