Volunteer Appreciation

Ebbetts Pass rest stop

Eric Holzapfel

"This has been a bucket-list ride for my wife and I so we were happy to have done it. It was tough and met my expectations and I'm excited to get my finisher's jersey! Very streamlined event and great volunteers! Having the roads closed was fantastic!"

"Volunteers on the ride were fabulous and kept spirits up through a very hot and challenging ride."
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Dane Wadle - 2019

"My story from my 2019 ride:

Coming down from Monitor on my way to Ebbetts, I hit a bump on the road and immediately had a double tire blowout. I thought my ride was over. Fortunately, I stayed upright and was able to get to the side and fix my tires.
With the great support from volunteers, I continued on my way and completed all 5 passes for the second consecutive year!
Here is my finisher picture from the top of Carson Pass."

Gabe Gonzalez

"Fourth DR and always exceeds my expectations with THE BEST rest-stop volunteers and staff!!"

San Diego CA
Lifelong cycling enthusiast

Eric Salgado

"Great course and rest stops. Volunteers were amazing."

Victor Poon

"Closed roads were magnificent, rest stops and volunteers were awesome, I thought the atmosphere was great."

Nick Eslinger

"Everything was fantastic. The volunteers are terrific. I can’t thank you enough for doing this each year."


Teri Tussey

"I loved volunteering when my husband used to ride. I made him this. It’s got patches from different years and pictures of him and his riding buddies."

Death Rider 2023

Jeremy Gray

"The entire volunteer staff was incredible. People cheering with cowbells, people providing water, people playing music… by mile 70, volunteers were absolutely critical to me finishing. The course is gorgeous and grueling, and I’ll be back next year. Thank you!"

Lorraine Dickson

"I was surprised how well stocked and varied the food stations were. The volunteers were so nice. The roads were so clean."

Mariebeth Cabrera

"Rest stop was awesome and all the volunteers was so supportive. Love all of them!"

Pastor Terry Johnson

"I've done the Death Ride many times, and one of the many blessings are all the wonderful volunteers that make the ride enjoyable...the encouragement, the hugs, the clapping....You are more wonderful than you can imagine."

Calvary Chapel Westwood
Westwood, Ca