Riders & Finishers of the Death Ride

finishers of the death ride

Terry Nathan - 2023


First, I want to thank all of you for making the DR such a fantastic experience. This year, 2024, will mark my 68th birthday and my 12th consecutive DR (I've been an all pass finisher on all of my DRs)

Looking forward to seeing you in July!

Here is the link to my 2023 DR video, which, along with other biking videos, can be found on my YouTube channel, Terry Nathan Adventures:



Brooke Boccali - 2011

Brooke Boccali (formerly Atkins). Rode the death ride in 2009 and 2010 but didn’t finish. Trained with a 5 and 2 year old, and started at 5am. Finished on top of Carson Pass that afternoon!


Steve Pollock - 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023

I have done DR a few times including last year, & have always completed all 5 passes including the older course with the Carson Summit for Ice Cream.  Honestly I prefer the older course except for the traffic...but I understand why you had to make the changes.
I am also signed up again this year and plan to keep going until I am too old to make all 5 passes by the cutoff time.
This is my favorite ride of the year by far!  Very challenging, sometimes compounded by searing heat; there's a real sense of accomplishment when you finish all 5 passes.  We all love that the roads are closed to cars so we can descend quickly without that worry.
Monitor is very different from Ebbets, like two different rides and I think that's what makes it so unique.
Looking forward to seeing you this year!

Transco Transmissions

I completed DR in 2012. I tried 2023 D.R.again after a bad accident IN 2021 . Failed to finish (Did 11ks and 90 miles… )



Jay Cycling Adventure - 2023


Dusty Dustyn

1991 - my 40th birthday celebration. Hard to believe I rode it with a 42/26…but I remember borrowing the cluster from a friend~ Whata might fine day! Huge confidence builder~ and confirmation that I was a climber…definitely NOT a descender😂


Miguel Garcia Cardenas - 2022


Miguel Garcia Cardenas - 2023


Phil Cooper - 2019


Cyrus Gillespie - 2014

1st Death Ride 2014


Cyrus Gillespie - 2016


Cyrus Gillespie


Jerry Barker

1999-2014. 12 attempts, 10 pins

(and a Y2K pin).

I lost a few patches in a move and haven't found them yet.


Jerry Barker - 2012


Larry Kawalec

Pins, lot's of pins.


Doug Page

I even rode a single speed once!


Meghan Dorris - 2015

I signed up to ride the death ride in 2015, the 35th anniversary (and my age that year) because I truly disliked climbing. Yes, you read that correctly. I go towards things I don’t like hoping by doing it more it changes for me.
I was new to the sport and told myself if I finished this event, I would move forward a better cyclist and reminding myself- if you avoid all challenges you never realize what you’re capable of.
I completed it in just over 12 hours! It was one long, but rewarding day, in the saddle and the biggest challenge I have done as a cyclist. Now, anytime I come across any challenge in life, I remind myself I can do anything because I finished the freakin’ Death Ride!! Unfortunately, I am still not a fan of climbing but at least I know what I am capable of!


Tai Tran

I am sharing my buddy's Tung pix....his first DR. He is so busy he hardly had time to get ready aka trained for DR last year. I paced him almost to the top of the first Ebbetts Pass but lost him in the confusion and thought he quited...I jammed down to Alpine Lake but on my way back I saw him....to said he look tired is an understatement. I had a great climbed up the 5 Miles Backside of Ebbetts and sat there waited for Tung while cheering everyone coming up. Fearing I might not make the cut off time I left after almost an hour. Made it to TRP ,ate and now my team of 4   jumped in our vehicles to go collect Tung. We made the right turn out of TRP and within a few blocks ...we saw our team jersey worn of course by Tung. Inching his way up the last little incline ,Tung finished with the skin on his teeth. With slur speech..Tung embodied our Team Ethos... Team Turtle...We'll get there,when we get there. Lol


Dane Wadle - 2019

My story from my 2019 ride:

Coming down from Monitor on my way to Ebbetts, I hit a bump on the road and immediately had a double tire blowout. I thought my ride was over. Fortunately, I stayed upright and was able to get to the side and fix my tires.
With the great support from volunteers, I continued on my way and completed all 5 passes for the second consecutive year!
Here is my finisher picture from the top of Carson Pass.

Patrick Hill - 2012


Doug Page

Patches from 1986 to 2006.

Loved every minute.

I was also there in 2020, and again in 2021 for the ride that never was.

Riders of the death ride